More Music

October 07, 2009

Three New Pieces for Cello, Piano, Guitar and Flute

Sanibel Island

This summer was very productive for me; the results being a big piece for cello and piano, a solo guitar piece written for the fabulous Philippe Bertaud, and a piece for flute and guitar.

Undertow, is my new piece for cello and piano. It's got a monstrous bluesy beginning which pushes the piece into alternating hyper-rhythmic sections with impressionistic/romantic sections. The score and parts are finished and available for download.

Undertow for Cello and Piano - Synthesized Realization

Undertow for Cello and Piano - Score
Undertow for Cello and Piano - Cello Part

My new solo guitar piece is probably one of the most harmonically beautiful pieces I've written, using an approach which tries to combine modern chromatic Radiohead-ish harmonies with Baroque and my usual modal harmonies. The score is still being tweaked a bit for playability.

The Minotaur's Dream - Synthesized Realization

My new piece for flute and guitar continues the musical impressionism and harmonic lushness of the previous two pieces. It's called Sombras y Luces de La Selva for Flute and Guitar. The score and parts are finished and available for download.

Sombras y Luces de La Selva for Flute and Guitar

Sombras y Luces de La Selva - Flute Part
Sombras y Luces de La Selva - Guitar Part
Sombras y Luces de La Selva - Score

Currently I'm working on a set of nocturnes for piano. They're going to combine the approaches I've been working with harmonically and impressionistically, while maintaining, at times, my high energy output.

Posted by jeff at October 7, 2009 02:40 PM