More Music

April 03, 2010

New Pieces for Cello, Septet, Piano

Sanibel Island

I finally finished the septet I've been writing for Alexey Kurkdjian and his group Sphaera in São Paulo, Brazil. It's for flute, clarinet, string quartet and bass and is called Seven Walls. It's a swirling mass of tunes and winds with some harsh barbaric climaxes and dark, empty, bluesy moments throughout.

Seven Walls for Septet - Synthesized Realization
Seven Walls for Septet - Score

I've also been working on piano music here's my latest nocturne from the suite Oceana (as yet untitled). It's my most barbaric nocturne yet, a driving mass of syncopated sound that is like the wind turbulently tearing at the trees in a gale.

Nocturne #6 for Piano

I've been working on the draft scores of my 6 nocturnes and the final scores should be available sometime next week.

And I've started a series of short pieces for various combinations of strings, winds and piano as a project to have a set of pieces that are less difficult and easy to add to chamber music programs. The first in this series is my Nocturne for Cello and Piano. It's a dramatic, but slightly bluesy bit of darkness.

Nocturne for Cello and Piano - Synthesized Realization
Nocturne for Cello and Piano - Cello Part
Nocturne for Cello and Piano - Score

Posted by jeff at April 3, 2010 02:54 PM