More Music

December 05, 2009

Five Piano Nocturnes Finished - More on Their Way

Sanibel Island

I've now completed 5 piano nocturnes which will be released in a set called Oceana. Each one is titled based on inspirations I've found on the island.

My first one, The Song of the Waves on the Shells, is a very static pasacaglia of sorts, kind of a Le Gibet meets Radiohead but with a little Feldman.
Nocturne #1 - The Song of the Waves on the Shells - Recording
Nocturne #1 - The Song of the Waves on the Shells - Draft Score

The second one is based around a quiet repeated note motive and is static and dark.
Nocturne #2 - Stars Reflected in the Pitch Black Sea - Recording
Nocturne #2 - Stars Reflected in the Pitch Black Sea - Draft Score

The third one is very pianistic and ecstatic.
Nocturne #3 - Night Rain Sparkles on the Ocean's Skin - Recording
Nocturne #3 - Night Rain Sparkles on the Ocean's Skin - Draft Score

The fourth one is foreboding, gloomy and constantly switching between major and minor modes.
Nocturne #4 - The Moonlit Clouds of a Storm Appear - Recording
Nocturne #4 - Night Rain Sparkles on the Ocean's Skin - Draft Score

The fifth one is one of my most ecstatic pieces yet. It starts off slow and brooding and develops a Middle Eastern riff which slowly takes over until it becomes Lisztian mystical mayhem.
Nocturne #5 - Untitled - Recording
Nocturne #5 - Untitled - Draft Score

Duo Ahlert und Schwab have informed me that Naxos will be release a new recording of theirs next year which will have a recording of the new piece I wrote for them, Bidon Cinque! This is very important for me, because that piece represented a true breakthrough in my attempt to create a new more melodically romantic style within the framework of my propulsive textures.

Posted by jeff at December 5, 2009 10:57 AM