More Music

June 04, 2009

New Piece - Fée des Cimes for Solo Flute and Mike Marshall Premieres Indigo Trails Sunday!

Expanding Cloud Over Sanibel

I just finished a solo flute piece, Fée des Cimes and it is 6 minutes of wild flight. Here's a draft score:

Fée des Cimes for Solo Flute - Draft Score

Fée des Cimes - Synthesized Recording

Sunday night, the great poly-stylistic mandolinist Mike Marshall and Gavin Riley (Terry Riley's son) will premiere my new piece Indigo Trails for Mandolin and Guitar. It's a fund raiser for New Music Works and today there's a story in the Silicon Valley newspaper Mercury News about the concert - Something new for New Music Works' garden party.

Posted by jeff at June 4, 2009 12:46 PM