More Music

October 07, 2007

New Live Recording of Piano Preludes #6-8

I've uploaded the wonderful recordings of Daniel Beliavsky's performance of my piano preludes 6, 7 and 8 from last November's Sequenza 21 concert.

Piano Prelude #6
Piano Prelude #7
Piano Prelude #8

There's also now available a draft score of my Nonet for Woodwind Quintet and String Quartet.

Nonet for Woodwind Quintet and String Quartet - PDF Draft Score.

And on a non-musical note, Elsie and I have been living under the siege of being smack in the middle of a Coen Brothers film set for their new movie, Burn After Reading. We've had John Malkovich, Brad Pitt and George Clooney acting in our back yard. It's been crazy but very interesting... Here's a Flickr Set of Burn After Reading on State Street Pics.

Posted by jeff at October 7, 2007 05:08 PM