More Music

September 08, 2007

World Premiere of Surge for Disklavier at the ARTSaha! Festival Tonight in Omaha

Surge for Disklavier will receive its world premiere at the amazing ARTSaha! Festival tonight in Omaha, Nebraska. It's on a program with a disklavier realization of George Antheil's Ballet Mécanique, pieces by Joseph Drew (of Analog Ensemble, ANAblog fame), Kyle Gann, Nancarrow and Lamonte Young, among others. Big props to Anatoly Larkin for patiently troubleshooting a piece that I wrote away from the Disklavier around a 6 piano concept and making it work. It took me hours of perl scripting and getting feedback from Anatoly while practially destroying several Disklaviers to get to this point. Thanks Anatoly!

Surge for Disklavier - Sampled Realization

I'm presently working on a new Violin Sonata, which will be the third piece for violin and piano I've written in the past few years. It is going to be very intense and lyrical and hopefully as popular as my 2nd violin sonata.

Sonata for Violin and Piano #2 - Realization

Posted by jeff at September 8, 2007 11:19 AM