More Music

November 14, 2006

Premiere of Kali Yuga and Finished Piano Scores

My 1 minute 60x60 contribution, Kali Yuga for 19ET Synthesizer was premiered last night at Brooklyn College as part of the New York Minute concert. It's 60 seconds of blistering orchestral microtonal hysteria, almost sci-fi in its atmosphere.

Kali Yuga for 19ET Synthesizer

Also, I've cleaned up my Piano Prelude #18 and DeltaBandResonator and the scores are now available:

Piano Prelude #18 Acrobat Score
Piano Prelude #18 MP3

DeltaBandResonator for Piano Acrobat Score
DeltaBandResonator for Piano - Realized by Steve Layton

Posted by jeff at November 14, 2006 09:53 AM