More Music

September 20, 2006

New Piece - Piano Sonata #3

I've finished my first big piano piece since DeltaBandResonator! It's a real monster of a piece, employing new Lisztian effects, chromatic scales and lots of dissonances which seemingly create a microtonal musical environment similar to Marteau-Pilon. It also shares many of the huge pounding effects and primitivist inclinations of that last piece.

While I'm still searching for a title for it, I decided not to delay putting the piece up for lack of a creative title and instead lump BlueStrider, DeltaBandResonator and this piece together as Sonatas - meaning large piano pieces.

The score should be up shortly...

Piano Sonata #3 - Synthesized Realization

Posted by jeff at September 20, 2006 09:52 AM